
Area Of Hollow Cylinder Calculator

Tube Calculator


outer circumference C1

C1 =

inner circumference Cii

C2 =

outer surface area 501

Fifty1 =

inner surface area 502

L2 =

Tube Shape

Conical Frustum Diagram with h = height and r = radius and l = lateral surface area

rane = outer radius
C1 = outer circumference
Lone = outer surface area
Vane = volume within C1
r2 = inner radius
Cii = inner circumference
502 = inner surface area
Vtwo = volume within C2
h = height
t = wall thickness
Five = book of solid
A = end surface area
π = pi = 3.1415926535898
√ = square root

Calculator Use

This calculator volition calculate the various properties of a tube, also called a pipe or hollow cylinder, given iii known values from variables of radii, circumference, wall thickness and acme. A geometric solid tube is generally a cylinder with an finish contour represented by an annulus.

Units: Note that units are shown for convenience but practice not bear on the calculations.  The units are in identify to give an indication of the society of the results such equally ft, ft2 or ft3.  For case, if you are starting with mm and you lot know r and h in mm, your calculations will result with C in mm, V in mm3, L in mmii, and A in mm2.

Beneath are the standard formulas for a tube.  Calculations are based on algebraic manipulation of these standard formulas.

Tube Formulas in terms of radius and pinnacle, r and h:

  • Circumference, C:
    • generally C = 2πr, therefore,
    • C1 = iiπr1
    • C2 = iiπr2
  • Lateral Surface Surface area, L, for a cylinder:
    • more often than not L = C * h = 2πrh, therefore,
    • Lone = 2πraneh, the external surface area
    • Fiftytwo = 2πr2h, the internal surface area
  • Area, A, for the end cross section of the tube:
    • more often than not A = πr2, for a circle, therefore,
    • Aone = πri 2 for the expanse enclosed by C1
    • A2 = πrtwo two for the area enclosed by C2
    • A = Aane - A2 for the surface area of the solid cantankerous section of the tube, the end.
    • A = π(ri 2 - r2 2)
  • Volume, 5, for a cylinder:
    • generally V = A * h = πr2h, therefore,
    • Vone = πr1 2h for the volume enclosed by Cone
    • Five2 = πr2 2h for the book enclosed by C2
    • V = 51 - Vtwo for the volume of the solid, the tube.
    • 5 = π(ri 2 - r2 ii)h
  • Thickness of the tube wall, t:
    • t = r1 - rii


CalculatorSoup: Cylinder Calculator and Annulus Calculator

Area Of Hollow Cylinder Calculator,


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