
13 Colonies Map Not Labeled

flag of the 13 colonies

The 13 Colonies are the colonies of the British Empire in North America that gave nascence to the U.s.a. of America in 1776.

Location of the xiii colonies on a map

location of the 13 colonies on the world map

They are located on the east declension of Northward America.

Map of the 13 colonies that are located between the Atlantic and the Appalachians

They are located between Nova Scotia and Florida, and between the Atlantic and the Appalachians.

Fundamental facts


Government blazon Colonial constitutional monarchy (British Empire)
Capital London, England


1607 – 1625 James I
1625 – 1649 Charles I
1649 – 1653 English Council of State
1653 – 1658 Oliver Cromwel
1658 – 1659 Richard Cromwel
1659 – 1660 English language Quango of State
1660 – 1685 Charles II
1685 -1688 James II
1689 – 1702 William III & Mary II (die in 1694)
1702 – 1714 Anne
1714 – 1727 George I
1727 – 1760 George Ii
1760 – 1776 George III


1607 Foundation of Jamestown and the starting time colony: Virginia
1620 Foundation of Plymouth and the Massachusetts
1630 Foundation of Boston (became quickly the intellectual heart of New-England)
1664 New Amsterdam became English and changed name to New York and with it the colony of the same proper name.
1681 Foundation of Philadelphia and the colony of Pennsylvania
1732 Foundation of the 13th colony (Georgia)
1754 Benjamin Franklin proposes the spousal relationship of the colonies
1768 Cosmos of the Secretary of Country for the Colonies
1760 / 1770 English language Parliament imposes new taxes on American settlers
xix avril 1775 Start of the American Revolutionary War
4 July 1776 United States Declaration of Independence
three September 1783 Treaty of Paris (recognition of the United states of America by England)


Population 2 100 000 (1770)
Density of population iii/km2
(7/sq mi)
Official languages English
Organized religion Protestantism, Roman Catholicism, Judaism, Native American religions


Expanse 692 000 kmtwo
( 267 000 sq mi)

The thirteen colonies map

map of the 13 colonies

Listing of the thirteen colonies

Established between 1607 and 1732, united in 1775, they signed the United States Declaration of Independence in 1776 and separated from Peachy Britain. This caused the American War of Independence which resulted in the independence of the United states of america.

Colony Establishment
Virginia 1607
Massachusetts 1620
New Hampshire 1623
Maryland 1632
Connecticut 1635
Rhode Island 1636
North Carolina 1653
South Carolina 1663
Delaware 1664
New Jersey 1664
New York 1664
Pennsylvania 1681
Georgia 1732

Also in History

13 Colonies Map Not Labeled,


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